:45 Bike*
10 Good Morning (option to add empty barbell to back rack)
10 Glute Bridges
5/5 Cat-Cow
5/5 Thread the needle rotations
10 Deadlift
(Score is Weight)
Week 2 of 6
Strength | 5-3-1 Cycle
15/12 Cal Bike
7 Deadlifts (275/185)
-Rest w/ Time Remaining-
(Score is Slowest Time)
12/10 Cal Bike
7 Deadlifts (185/135)
10 SLOW Bird Dogs
10 Slow Alt. Scorpions
10 Alt. Groiners w/Twist*
5 Up Dog to Down Dogs
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
*Option to straighten the front leg after the groiner.
(No Measure)