- 2:00 ECHO Bike (4X :20 Easy + :10 Hard)
- 15 Banded Dislocates
- 15 Supinated Band Pull Aparts
- 8 Inchworm + Updog + Downdog
Then, perform 2 rounds of the following:
- 5 Barbell Kang Squat
- 5 BTN Snatch Grip Strict Press
- 5 OHS
- 3-Position Snatch (High Hang, Knee, Floor)
Until failure, perform 1 snatch on ascending weights (starting at 85/55 and increasing 10 lbs.) every minute with a 15 second transition period between lifts/minutes.
* Athlete Notes: Go as HARD as you can in the final :30-1:00.
Until failure, perform 1 clean on ascending weights (starting where ever you want, think around you 50-60%) and increasing 10 lbs.) every minute with a 15 second transition period between lifts/minutes.
The squat cleans can be started while others are still snatching, find a nice time/space to start this piece.
Minute 1: :20E Eagle in Saddle
Minute 2: :20E Thread the Needle
Minute 3: :20E Lizard