A. GENERAL (8:00)Game Warm upTic-Tac Toe Race
Split the class in two, three or four groups. Set-up a tic tac toe game using PVCsHave each station with 2 different types of equipment (to represent the Xs & Os)
Optional: To avoid having athletes look at the game ahead of time, you can set a "wall" in front of the games (2 stacked boxes). This will force faster reaction time and add an element of fun!
On the call of “go” Athletes (Xs & Os) will race together towards the grid and place their “Pawn” on the game. Athletes then run back to their partner as fast as possible to tag them so that they can get to the grid first to place their pawns. Athletes who are the fastest at getting back to their partners and getting to the grid have an advantage to set their pawns first.
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)World's Greatest Stretch10 reps / side
C1. SPECIFIC (8:00)Jump Rope30 Single unders, normal30 single unders AFAP30 Single unders, as SLOW as possible30-50 Double unders---Row2 sets20 seconds easy40 seconds faster(or 30 sec on, 30 off with a partner)---Burpees5 Burpees
"The Ghost"6 rounds1:00 Rowing for Calories1:00 Burpees1:00 Double unders1:00 Rest
Score: Total RepsTC: 23 MinutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner1:00 Rowing for Calories1:00 Down & Ups1:00 Single unders1:00 Rest
IntermediateAs written
3 x 25 Hip Extensions on GHD-Rest as needed-
Goal: Post Chain accessory