2:00 Row
10 Banded Pull Aparts
6 Alt. Bottom of Squat Thoracic Rotations
10 Banded W’s
6 Scap Pull-Ups + 6 Kip Swings
Choose from Overhead Squat OR Front Squat
*Build to a Moderate-Heavy weight and stay at that weight across all sets.
(Score is Weight)
MIN 1+2 - 250/200m Row + 20 Toes to Bar
MIN 3 - Max Overhead Squats OR Front Squats (115/75)
MIN 4 - Rest
(Score is Total Reps of Squats)
5/5 Shoulder Cars Against Wall*
10 Banded Wall Walks**
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
*Stand next to the wall with palms facing the wall. Keeping the body as still as possible, make a big circle with the shoulder and rotate the palm away at the top. Move away from the wall if you get stuck. Go back and forward for 5 reps on one side before switching.
**Start with a band around the wrists, facing the wall and place forearms/wrists on the wall, palms facing each other. Move one forearm slightly up without moving the other. Once the wrist is down, move the other forearm. Continue walking the forearms up the wall until the ribs begin pulling away from the hips. From there, walk back down. Make sure to round through the upper back, have a soft knee bend, and tucked hips.
(No Measure)