A. GENERAL (4:00)Put on a Tabata Song- Plate Taps x 2- In and out squat on plate x 2- Plate in and out hops- Plate Thrusters
B. SPECIFIC (12:00)Grab Workout weight for DBsThrusters10 Air Squats10 DB Thrusters (holding single DB on extremities)5 DB Thrusters @ workout weight---Jump Rope30 single unders10-30 Double Unders---Machine2 sets20 Sec Easy20 sec Moderate20 sec Hard
5 sets of 5 minute Amrap, Rest 2:00 between amraps
Amrap 1, 3 & 510 DB Thrusters @ 50/35 lbs x 210 Burpee over DBs, Lateral50 Double under
Amrap 2 & 4Max Distance on Rower, Bike, Ski or Runner
Score: Each set for Rounds & RepsTC: 33 minutesKG: 22.5/15 (12/7.5, 15/10)
Scaling OptionsBeginnerAmrap 1,3 & 58 DB Thrusters @ 25/15 lbs x 28 Burpee Step over DBs50 Single under
Amrap 2&4As written
IntermediateAmrap 1,3 & 510 DB Thrusters @ 35/20 lbs x 210 Burpee Step over DBs50 Double under
Conga line style, In teams of 3
5 sets of 5 min Amrap, Rest 2:00
8 DB Thrusters @ 50/35 lbs x 28 Burpee over Plate8/6 Cal Machine
Score: Each set for rounds & RepsTC: 33 minutesKG: 22.5/15
Scaling OptionsBeginner6 DB Thrusters @ 25/15 lbs x 26 Burpees6 Cal Machine
Intermediate8 DB Thrusters @ 35/20 lbs x 28 Burpee over Plate8/6 Cal Machine
Banded Good Mornings, moderate to heavy band3 x 20
Goal: Post Chain health