1. Movement Prep/ActivationCrossover Symmetry or Banded 7’s Warm Up-into-3 sets:3 Inch Worm + 6 Shoulder Taps30 Single Unders5 Single Arm Ring Rows (each)10 Suitcase Sit ups
2. Workout Prep2 sets:1 Wall Walk + 4 Shoulder Taps10 Double Unders4 Inverted Ring Rows
Affiliate Version of "Parallel-bar Pull"
Freedom (RX'd)8 RoundsWall Walk (Up) + 10 Shoulder Taps + Wall Walk (Down)30 Double Unders10 Inverted Ring Rows (Or Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65)(KG conv: 43/29)
Independence8 RoundsWall Walk (Up) + 8 Shoulder Taps + Wall Walk (Down)25 Double Unders8 Inverted Ring Rows (Or Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55)(KG conv: 34/25)
Liberty8 RoundsPlank + 10 Shoulder Taps30 Single Unders10 Ring Rows
Toes to Bar: Week 6, Day 1Advance:Every min (8:00)8-10 Toes to BarIntermediate:Every min (8:00)6-8 Toes to BarBeginner:Every min (8:00)4-6 Toes to Bar or 6+ Reps Kipping Knee Raises (Chair Pose)Alternative Option:Every minute (8:00)10 V-Ups10-Second Hollow Rock Hold
Pre/Post workout squat