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Strict Pull-Up
Diamond In The Rough
CrossFit Evergreen
Fund Raisers
Personal Defense Readiness
Monday - CrossFit Evergreen
6:00 AM CrossFit
7:15 AM CrossFit
8:30 AM Crossfit
9:30 AM CrossFit
12:15 PM CrossFit
3:30 PM CrossFit
4:45 PM CrossFit
6:00 PM CrossFit
Age Group
All Ages
0 - 17
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
Count (M/F):
0 (0/0)
“Life is like sailing. You can use any wind to go in any direction.” - Robert Brault Are we sailing North on purpose, or is it because the wind is taking us that way? Life will throw its curveballs. It’s unseen illnesses, injuries, and schedule conflicts. But it is a choice to allow those to change our cardinal direction. There is always a way to continue in the direction we want. When the challenge strikes, we don’t adjust the goal. We adjust the sails.
Strict Pull-Up
Strict Pull-ups
5-9 Unbroken: 4-3-3-3-2
10-14 Unbroken: 9-8-7-7-6
15-19 Unbroken: 12-10-8-8-6
20-24 Unbroken: 18-15-12-10-6
25+ Unbroken: 20-16-12-12-8
- Banded Strict Pull-Up
Movement Prep
5-10 Scap Retractions
1-2 Strict Pull-Ups
- We will be using our max reps score from week 1 to determine our work to do here. Complete these reps the same way you did that first week if you modified.
- Take note of the amount of time needed between sets in order to see progress as we move forward with this progression.
- We are shooting to make these unbroken sets each time, but it's okay if they are not.
- Rest as needed between all sets.
Diamond In The Rough (Time)
"Diamond In The Rough"
MRx: Strict Pull-ups, Rx: C2B Pull-ups, Rx+: Ring Muscle-ups
Devil's Press 50 / 35 lb's
Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (24"/20")
- Single Dumbbell
- Barbell Clean & Jerks
- Burpee To High Target
- Single Dumbbell
- Unweighted
- Barbell Front Rack Step Back Lunges
- Dumbbell Step Back Lunges
Movement Prep
1 Ring Muscle-up
3 Devil's Presses
5 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs
- Conditioning Category: Threshold
- The ring muscle-ups should be completed in no more than 3 sets on any round. Cap the time at 2:00 or reduce the reps if feeling unsure about your capacity.
- The devil's presses do not need to be completely quickly but they should be completed unbroken each round. Dumbbells should swing between the legs and move in 1 swift motion to the overhead postion. It is okay for the dumbbells to stop at the shoulders on the way down but NOT on the way up. There should not be a "redip" of the legs. These should not taker longer than 2:00 on any round.
- The dumbbell box step-overs should be performed with dumbbells hanging down by the sides. Atheltes do not need to stand all the way up going over box but both feet DO need to touch the top of the box before stepping down. These should take less than 1:00 each round even with a potential quick break on the 10's, 8's, and 6's.
- Score: Time
- Over the course of this workout we'll be accumulating 30 reps of each movement. We want to choose our break up strategy based on how we think we would approach this workout if it were 1 round of 30 reps of each movement for time.
- Most athletes will need 2-3 sets on the rounds of 10, 8, and 6 ring muscle-ups. Plan to break these rounds to conserve the grip and to keep sets consistent each round. Aim for 1-2 sets on the round of 4's and 2's.
- The devil's presses will be a grind. We want to try to stay moving here. The best place to rest is on the ground beween reps. It is the place we are least under tension. We can lose a lot of time, fire up the posterior chain, and have trouble controlling the heart rate if we rest standing in a forward fold with hands on the dumbbells.
- The box step-overs will also be a grind and taxing on the grip and shoulders. 1 break on the 10's, 8's, and even the 6's could be helpful to ensure that you'll be able to hop right back up on the rings. Once you start a set, move quickly
Want to see some of these movements in action? Check out our
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Monday, September 13, 2021
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