A. GENERAL (6:00)Partner Warm up4 sets (2/partner)While 1 partner performs 30 single or double undersPart 2 performs 3 burpees + Mountain climbers in remaining time
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)Child pose lat stretch45-60 sec / side
C1. SPECIFIC (8:00)1. Technical primer BMU (Advanced)Low bar hip to bar + Jumping bar muscle up2-4 sets of 2+1
C1. SPECIFIC (Cnt’d)1. Technical Primer C2B (Int Beginner)Banded PVC “Kipping” Pull downs2-4 sets 3-4 reps
2. PracticeAdvanced: Bar muscle upsInt: C2B / Pull upsBeginner: Kip Swing
C2. SPECIFICRing Dips5 Jumping ring dips / Bench Dips (easy)5 Ring Dips / Harder jumping ring dips or bench dips—Shoulder to overhead5 Push Press @ Empty bar5 Push Jerks @ empty bar5 Shoulder to overhead @ workout weight
Bar Muscle ups3 sets of 1:00 Max Bar muscle ups1:00 Rest– Or – 1:00 Max Kipping C2B Pull ups1:00 Rest
Score: Total repsTC: 6 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginnerMax Strict band assisted pull ups
IntermediateMax Kipping Pull ups
3 rounds for time45 Double unders15 Ring dips45 Double unders15 Shoulder to overhead @ 95/65 lbs
RX+ = Strict ring dips
Score: TimeTC: 14 minutesKG: 43/30
Scaling OptionsBeginner45 Single unders10 Box dips45 Single unders10 S2O 45/35 lbs
Intermediate L145 Double unders15 Jumping Ring dips45 Double unders15 S2O @ 75/55 lbs
Intermediate L245 Double unders7-10 Ring dips45 Double unders10 S2O @ 95/65 lbs
Seated Band rows3 x 20-Rest 1:30-2:00 b/w-
Goal: upper pull, antagonist accessory