- RX -For time:2001-m run or row11 shoulder presses (85/115 lb)11 overhead squats11 sumo deadlift high pulls11 push presses11 front squats11 squat cleans11 push jerks11 back squats11 deadlifts2001-m run or row- If athletes begin the WOD with a row, they finish with a run and vice versa.
- INTERMEDIATE -For time:2001-m run or row11 shoulder presses (65/95 lb)11 overhead squats11 sumo deadlift high pulls11 push presses11 front squats11 squat cleans11 push jerks11 back squats11 deadlifts2001-m run or row- If athletes begin the WOD with a row, they finish with a run and vice versa.
- BEGINNER -For time:1000-m run or row11 shoulder presses (35/55 lb)11 overhead squats11 sumo deadlift high pulls11 push presses11 front squats11 squat cleans11 push jerks11 back squats11 deadlifts1000-m run or row- If athletes begin the WOD with a row, they finish with a run and vice versa.
Rowing + running warm-up | 7:00 - Rest :10 between each row progression set.200-m run- Out-and-back; increase the pace on the way back.Progression // Focus:30 row // Keep the chest up and return the arms while the legs are straight.:30 row // Keep the chest up and hold the end of each stroke for :01.:30 row // Continue to hold for :01, but push/pull harder to make the fan "louder.":30 row // Continue to pull hard, but slowly return to the catch for the next stroke.:30 row // Pull hard and SPRINT by returning faster for the next stroke. Aim for 32+ s/m.
1 round::30 couch stretch/leg:30 banded pull aparts:30 leg swings/leg:30 standing hamstring stretch/leg
For time:2001-m run11 DB shoulder presses (35/50 lb)11 DB thrusters11 sumo-stance DB cleans11 DB push presses11 DB squats11 DB squat cleans11 DB push jerks11 DB squats11 DB deadlifts2001-m run- Use two DBs.
- STRENGTH I -For load:Every 2:00 for 8 sets:2 back squats- Increase loading across as many sets as possible, holding the same weight for a few sets is totally acceptable.- Focus on a controlled descent followed by a rapid drive out of the bottom of each rep.- Shy away from loads that cause you to "grind" out the rep. Instead, focus on your speed out of the bottom. Once you start grinding, the weight is too heavy for this session.
7 sets:2 clean pulls1 power clean- In today's strength session, build to a heavy set of the complex.- For all three lifts, feel free to re-grip at the bottom and take a moment to reset yourself. Do not treat these sets as touch-and-go reps.- Aim to finish your final set around 90%+ of your best 1-rep power clean.
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:15 weighted hip extensions (25/45 lb)100-ft sandbag carry (100/150 lb)- Choose a load on the hip extensions that allows you to perform each set unbroken.- The sandbag carry should be heavy. Hold the sandbag against your chest/stomach as you walk. Reduce the loading as needed. If the Rx'd loading isn't heavy enough, feel free to go heavier.- Substitute the sandbag for a double-KB front rack carry.
6 sets:5 toes-to-bars4 gymnastics kipping pull-ups3 bar muscle-ups- Rest as needed between sets.- In this skill session, the goal is to perform all 12 reps without coming down from the bar. Rest as much as needed between sets to maintain this stimulus.- If necessary, reduce the reps to 4/3/2 or 3/2/1 depending on your capacity.- Notice the similarities in the kip swing. If you don't actively press down into the bar in your backswing and/or push away from the top of each rep, expect some difficulty.
AMRAP 30:Max calorie row- Starting at 0:00 and every 3:00 perform 10 burpees.- Aerobic capacity and mental resiliency workout.- Target 15-20 calories each minute for men. 10-15 calories each minute for women.- Finish the burpees in :45 or less.- Transition quickly on and off the rower. Don't spend time strapping and unstrapping your feet in the rower.
Part 1:For time:150 weighted step-ups (20 in)- Use a 30/45 lb ruck.Part 2:4 rounds for reps::20 air squats:10 restRest 2:004 rounds for reps::20 double-DB deadlift (20/35 lb):10 rest- Use loads and heights consistent with your week 10 variation.- This is week two in our preparation for the hero workout Chad on November 11, 2023.- To learn more about the CHAD1000X event, click here.- Use weight and height options that represent how you plan to attack the game day workout on 11/11/2023.
Note the total number of squats and deadlifts completed in the comments.