15 Toe Touch + Jumping Jack
10 Banded High Pulls
8 PVC Pass Thrus
6 PVC Overhead Jumping Squats
4 Scap Pull-Ups
30 Mountain Climbers*
10 Banded Lat PushDowns
8 PVC Scarecrow Snatches
6 PVC Behind the Neck Push Jerks
4 Bar or Ring Kip Swings
*2nd Round: 30 Crossbody Mountain Climbers
2-4-6 and so on...
SDHP (115/75)*
*Complete 2 Ring Muscle-Ups after every full set.
(Score is Total Reps of Both Movements)
SDHP (95/65)*
*Complete 2 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups after every full set.
(Score is Weight)
:30/:30 Calf Smash on Barbell
:30/:30 L-Position Pec Stretch on Rig or Wall*
10 SLOW Arm Haulers
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
*Place elbow/forearm on a door frame or post on the rig. Lean forward while keeping core tight and back flat.
(No Measure)