A. GENERAL (6:00)
"Coach Says"Have athletes run in circles in the gym or shuttles
Call out movements such as:- Burpees- Air Squats- Lunges- Jumping Jacks- etc
2 sets6 Scap pull ups6 Scap push ups
C. SPECIFIC (12:00)Athletes grab bands as needed, Workout weight on Wall Balls & DB Snatch
Wallball5 Med Ball Squats5 Air balls5 Wall Balls----Strict Pull ups2-3 x 3 reps
C. SPECIFIC (cnt’d)DB Snatch6 Alternating Deadlift (DB between legs)6 DB Muscle snatch6 DB power snatch----Push ups2 x 6 reps
For time50 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs10 Strict pull ups50 DB Hang Clean and jerks @ 50/35 lbs x 110 Strict Pull ups50 Push ups10 Strict Pull ups50 Push ups10 Strict pull ups50 DB Hang Clean and jerks @ 50/35 lbs x 110 Strict pull ups50 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs
@ 20/14lbs & 50/35lbs
Score: TimeTC: 26 minutesKG: 9/6 & 22.5/15
Scaling OptionsBeginner35 Wall Balls @ 14/10 lbs10 Ring Rows35 DB Hang Clean and jerks @ 25/15 lbs10 Ring Rows35 Hands elevated Push ups10 Ring Rows35 Hands elevated Push ups10 Ring Rows35 DB Hang Clean and jerks @ 25/15 lbs10 Ring Rows35 Wall Balls @ 14/10 lbs
IntermediateWall Balls @ 16/12 lbsDB @ 35/20lbsBand assisted push ups
In Teams of 3
12 rounds (each partner does 4 rounds)15 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs12 DB Snatch @ 50/35 lbs10 Push ups
*Cap at 15 minutes
-Rest 3:00-
12 rounds (each partner does 4 rounds)15 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs6/6 DB Shoulder to overhead @ 50/35 lbs10 Pull ups
*Cap at 12 minutes
Score: Time including RestTC: 30 minutesKG: 9/6 & 22.5/15
Scaling OptionsBeginnerReduce reps to 10, 8 & 5Wall Balls @ 14/10 lbsDB Snatch @ 25/15 lbsPush ups on knees or hands elevatedRing Rows
IntermediateReduce push up reps as neededReduce pull up reps as needed
Tabata Machine of your choice8 rounds20 seconds on10 seconds off