A. General
Pizza Game
B. Mobility
B1. Quadruped rear shoulder stretch
B2. Prayer Stretch
5 breath cycles
Contract on the inhale, relax + lengthen on the exhale
C. Specific
2 sets
-5/5 DB push press + 5/5 DB OHS
-5 sec ring support hold + ring dip negative + 5 sec bottom of ring dip hold
-5 plyometric box jumps @ working height https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWGMCdhC38I
- 5/5 DB snatch high pulls + 3/3 DB snatch
For time
50 DB Overhead Squat 1x 50/35 lbs
50 Strict Ring dips
100 Box jumps 24/20", step down
100 DB Snatch 1x 50/35lbs
TC: 20 minutes
Score: Time
KG: 25/15
Scaling Options
40 Db Squats @ 25/15 lbs
40 Band assisted push ups / Hand elevated push ups
60 Box jumps @ step down, 16" or step ups
60 DB snatch @ 25/15lbs
50 DB overhead squat @ 35/25lbs
30-50 Band Assisted Strict Ring dips
80 Box jumps @ 24/20", step down
80 DB snatch @ 35/25lbs
L-sit hold/ Hollow hold
6 x 20 seconds on, 40 seconds off