A. GENERAL (6:00)EMOM 6odd- Machineeven- 45s Jumping jacks
Increase cadence (s/m) per minutes each round
Shoulder external rotation with PVC45 sec/shoulder
C1. SPECIFIC (10:00)Clean drills, focus on turnoverTall High pullsTall Muscle cleansClean Turnovers----High hang power cleansHang Power CleansTempo Power cleans---Ramp up cleans to 75%
C2. SPECIFICGrab workout weight for step ups4 Step ups with mix gripSwitch hands4 Step ups with mix grip----Practice round6 Step ups30 sec Machine
3 x EMOM 3, Rest 1:00 between EMOMs
2 Power Cleans @ 75%
Score: WeightTC: 11 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginnerClean @ technical load
IntermediateAs written
For Time30-20-10Step ups, Mix grip @ 20"Cal Row/Ski
Mix grip: One arm in front Rack one arm in farmer's carry
@ 50/35 DB + 53/35 KB
Score: TimeTC: 13 minutesKG: 22.5/15 + 24/16
Scaling OptionsBeginnerUnweighted step ups21-15-9 Cal Row
Intermediate@ 35/20 + 44/26
High Hang Clean High pulls3 x 6 @ 65%