A. GENERAL (5-7:00)“Full Body Hop” Race warm upSplit class into groups of 3-5Set up lines of 4-6 plates, 4-6 KBs and med balls of various weights, 1 line per group.
Athletes will race through the obstacles with lateral plate hops, then the lateral plank walk with KB touches and finally grab a med ball of the appropriate weight and perform 5 squats before running back to the group and tagging the next partner. Continue on like this for up to 7 minutes. You can perform this as an amrap or a race through a specific number of rounds.
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)Wrist Mobility
C. SPECIFIC (12:00)Wall WalksGo over set up, Reaching up the foot, pressing into a strong overhead position and reaching the other foot.
Progressively adding steps to a full rep or a position athletes are comfortable with.
----Ring Dips5 Pause jumping ring dips (pause in the bottom of the dip) 5 Pause jumping ring dips (pause at support position)5 Ring dips / Jumping ring dips or Box dips---Toes To Bar5 Beat Swings5 Swinging leg raises / knee raises5 Toes to bar / Leg raises / Knee raises
Amrap 24200m Run12 TTB200m Run8 Ring Dips200m Run4 Wall Walk
Score: Rounds & RepsTC: 24 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner200m Jog10 Hanging Knee Raises200m Jog8 Box Dips200m Jog4 Inchworms
Intermediate L1200m Run12 Swinging Leg Raises200m Run8 Band assisted Strict Ring Dips200m Run4 Half Wall Walk
Intermediate L2200m Run8 TTB200m Run4-6 Ring Dips200m Run4 Wall Walk
Weighted Sorrenson hold3 x 60 seconds*Bear hug a plate or medicine ball**Can perform on GHD or bench