A. GENERALAnimal Walk Relay Race:- Bear Crawl- Crab Walk- Inchworm- Spiderman lunges (ok, KIND of an animal)Set up class in groups of 3-6 athletes. PErformthe race with athletes doing 1 to 3 of each"animals". Whoever wins gets bragging rights!
B. SPECIFICDouble DB hang clean (grab workout weight)5 DB hang clean / arm2 x 5 Double DB hang clean (cue elbows high andoutside, no curling)----Front Rack db Reverse lunges10 DB reverse lunges with 1 DB, holding oppositeends10 Double DB front rack reverse lunges----Glute Bridge floor press10, with one DB holding opposing ends10 with two DBs---Practice round (optional)4 DB hang cleans4 DB reverse lunges4 Glute Bridge floor press15 sec Row or machine substitution (skip if running)
10 rounds for time10 Double DB Hang Cleans10 Front Rack DB Reverse Lunges10 Glute Bridge DB floor press15/12 Cal Row
@ 50/35 lbs x 2
Rest 1:00 after rounds 2, 4, 6 & 8
Row substitution:- Bike 12-15 Cals (Bike erg = 12/10)- 200m Run- Ski 12-15 Cals
Score: Total time, minus 4 minutesTC: 40 minutesKG: 22.5/15
Scaling OptionsBeginner8 rounds8 Double DB hang Cleans8 Front Rack DB Reverse Lunges8 Glute Bridge DB floor press10 Cal Row@ 25/15 lbs x 2
Intermediate@ 35/25lbs
Chose the Individual workout or Team wod, erase the other
In Pairs
3 x 10 min Amrap, Rest 2 minutes between Amraps
Amrap 1 & 3:While 2 partner runs 200m the otherpartner performs rounds of:10 Double Hang Cleans10 DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
Amrap 2While 1 Partner runs 200m the otherperforms rounds of:10 DB Glute Bridge floor press10 Alternating DB Hang Snatch (1 DB)
@ 50/35lbs
Score: Total rounds & repsTC: 34 minutesKG: 22.5/15
Scaling OptionsBeginner@ 25/15 lbs
Intermediate@ 35/20 lbs
Medicine ball sit-up tosses against wall or to partner3 x 1:00