Snatch Balance - 20 minutes to work up to a Heavy single with 9 working reps
Back Squat - 5 x 4 @ 82.5% (lift every 2:30
Power Jerk - 3x3@80%, 2x1@85%, 1@90% (of Jerk)
DB Shoulder Press - 3x6@RPE8
Pendlay Row - 4x5@80%(of Snatch)
A. GENERAL (4:00)EMOM 4odd- 45 sec burpees / Down & Upseven- 45 sec Inchworm walk
Front rack rotations, Start open, move slowly into closed grip
C. SPECIFIC (12:00)Clean Drills: Focus on Pull under & Footwork (5-7 reps at each drill)- Tall Muscle clean- Tall Power clean (meeting the shoulders to the bar)- High hang power clean- Tempo Power clean---Ramp up to 75% in 3-4 sets of 1-2
C2. SPECIFIC (8:00)DeadliftRamp up or strip bar to workout weight2 sets of 5 reps to set to workout weight---HSPU (Beginners grab DBs)5 Pike Push ups, feet on ground or on box5 HSPU / Workout modification—-Practice round3 Deadlifts3 HSPU / Pike HSPU / Z Press
Score: WeightTC: 8 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner1-2 Reps @ technical load
IntermediateAs written
Score: TimeTC: 12 minutesKG: 100/70
Scaling OptionsBeginner21-15-9Deadlifts @ lightDB Z press
Intermediate L121-15-9Deadlifts @ 185/135Pike Push ups, feet on box
Intermediate L212-9-6Deadlifts @ 225/155Handstand Push ups
Tricep Push downTabata, moderate band
Upper Body pressing accessory