A. GENERAL (10:00)
The floor is lava Race
Take 10 minutes to play “The floor is lava”! Play with 2-4 groups of 4-6 athletes. You need one extra plate per team so if a group is 4 athletes, you need 5 plates for that group. Athletes will line up in a single file and the athlete in the front will drop a plate, hop or step onto the plate and everyone will follow by hopping onto the plate in front of them. The last athlete to hop forward has to pick up the plate left behind him/her (and not touch the ground!) and pass it to their partners so that the athlete in front can toss it in front to step onto it.
Athletes will do this either for a straight out or an out and back.
B. SPECIFIC (7:00)
Power Cleans6 Romanian Deadlifts6 Romanian Deadlift into muscle clean6 Power Cleans 6 Power Cleans @ workout weight----Jump Rope20 Single unders20 double unders (du practice)---Abmat sit-ups10 reps
For Time50-40-30-20-10Power Cleans @ 75/55 lbs30-25-20-15-10Burpees over bar
Rest 2:00
"Annie"50-40-30-20-10Double UndersSit-ups
Score: Total time, including restTC: 30 minutesKG: 35/25
Scaling OptionsBeginner30-25-20-15-10Power Cleans @ Empty barDown & Ups –Mini Annie50-40-30-20-10Single unders25-20-15-10-5Abmat sit-ups
Intermediate50-40-30-20-10Power Cleans @ 65/45 lbs30-25-20-15-10Burpees over barAnnie as written
Chose Individual workout or Team workout
This week I strongly recommend Team workout!
10 rounds for time, In pairs, You go I go
30 Double unders10 Power Cleans @ 95/65 lbs5 Burpees over bar
Rest 5 minutes
10 rounds for time, You go I go30 Double unders10 Thrusters @ 95/65 lbs5 Burpees over bar
Score: Time on Both setsTC: 30 minutesKG: 43/30
Scaling OptionsBeginner30 single unders8 Power Cleans @ Empty bar5 Down & Ups —30 Single unders8 Thrusters @ Empty bar5 Down & Ups
IntermediatePower cleans @ 75/55 lbs
6 sets6 Wall Balls @ As heavy & as high as possible6 High box jumps, no rebound
Rest as needed
Power Endurance