A. GENERAL (6:00)Team warm up4 sets of45 seconds Machine / 45 sec Beat swings
While one athlete is on the machine, the other athlete is focused on beat swings.
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (5:00)Elevated Arch to Hollow drill
3 x 5 Reps
C1 . SPECIFIC (12:00)Bar muscle up & Chest to Bar pull up progression: Focus on engaging a glide swing + Tight body2-3 sets of 5-7 reps of each drill- Kip Swing- Jumping in to Kip swing—-- Next drill is specific to athlete levelsJumping into hip to bar
orJumping into C2Bor
Seated ring pull up set-up
Take 2-4 minutes to practice bar muscle ups, C2B pull ups or ring pull ups
C2. SPECIFIC (1-2:00)Machine - Ramp up20 seconds easy20 seconds medium20 seconds hard
Bar Muscle ups
30 Bar Muscle ups for time
30 Kipping C2B Pull ups for time
Score: TimeTC: 10 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner30 Seated ring pull ups
Intermediate30 Pull ups for time
6 Sets of15 Cal Row / Cal Bike / 12 Cal Ski / 200m Run
Rest 1:1
RX+ 18 Cals
Score: Each set for timeTC: 12 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner1:00 On, 1:00 Off
Intermediate Adjust calorie to keep work at or below 60 seconds
5 sets10/10 Pallof Press10 Alternating Plank bird dogs