A. GENERAL (4:00)30 Jumping Jacksthen2 rounds12 Empty Bar Romanian Deadlifts12 Air Squats (round 2, Front Squats with empty bar)
Front Rack Elbow Rotations
C. SPECIFIC 10:00Clean Drills (focus on first pull & bar path)5-7 Reps of each drill (each drill starts from power and moves onto squat, when applicable)
- Clean first pull: https://youtu.be/nwoodiFEXwo - High hang Clean- Low Hang Clean- Clean---5 minutes to ramp up to starting weight
C2. SPECIFICThrusters5 Front Squats @ workout Weight5 Thrusters @ workout Weight----2-3 x 5 Beat Swings2-3 x 5 Swinging Leg Raises / Toes to Bar
Rest & Reset 2:00
Then move onto next section
Score: Weight on Part 1 & 2TC: 18 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginnerPractice Power Clean for 10 minutes- Rest & Reset 2:00E2MOM x 3 2 Power Clean @ technical load
IntermediateAs written
5 rounds for time5 Thrusters 135/95 lbs10 TTB
Score: TimeTC: 10 minutesKG: 60/43
Scaling OptionsBeginner5 Thrusters 65/45 lbs7 Hanging Knee Raises
Intermediate L15 Thrusters 95/65 lbs10 Swinging Leg Raises
Intermediate L25 Thrusters @ 115/75 lbs5 TTB
5 sets3 Low Hang Clean pull @ 85%
Olympic weightlifting Accessory