10 SLOW Cat Cows
10 Alt Bird Dogs
10 Up Dog to Down Dog
10 SLOW Arm Haulers
10 Alt. Plank Calf Stretches*
*From the Plank fold one foot over the other and push into a Pike to try and get the heel to the floor. Spend :03-:05 in this stretch and then switch sides.
EMOM x 5 MINUTES (:40 ON/ :20 OFF)
MIN 1 - Arms Only Rowing
MIN 2 - Arms + Body Rowing
MIN 3 - Half Slide Rowing
MIN 4 - EZ Full Slide Rowing
MIN 5 - Mod Pace Rowing
1-2 ROUNDS (Time Permitting)
30 Single Unders
20 Alt. Shoulder Taps
5 Up-Downs
5 Burpees
5000/4500m Row
250 Double Unders*
Max Burpees in Time Remaining
*Option for 250 Jumping Jacks or 400 Single Unders
(Score is Total Burpees)
1:00 Walking Rest
10 Arm Haulers
10 Calf Raises on Elevated Surface w/:03 Pause in Bottom
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)