A. GENERAL (6:00)3 rounds (cap 6 minutes)1:00 Machine25' Samson Stretch25' Banded Monster walk https://youtu.be/Z_HlZ1a1yJ0 (walking forward rnd 1, backward round 2, etc)
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (4:00)6-10 Scap Pull ups10 Seated Band pull downs, seated (hold band under chin 3 sec each rep)https://youtu.be/PShls47RuLc
C1. SPECIFIC (6:00)Take 5-6 minutes to find appropriate band and warm up strict pull ups in 2-3 sets of 3
C2. SPECIFIC (8:00)7 Snatch Tall to Hang “scoops” https://youtu.be/wi2brlr4Img 7 Hang Muscle Snatch7 Hang Power Snatch---Ramp up to workout weight5 Hang Power Snatch
1 set Max Reps Strict pull ups
Score: RepsTC: 5 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner2 x 5 Strict Band assisted pull ups
IntermediateMax rep Unassisted pull upsRest 30 seconds1 set Max rep band assisted pull ups
EMOM 181- 45s Max reps Hang Snatch @ 75/55 lbs2- 45s Max Cal Machine3- Rest
Score: Total repsTC: 18 minutesKG: 35/25
Scaling OptionsBeginnerAs written, use 45/35 lbs on barbell
IntermediateAs written, use 65/45 lbs on barbell
3 sets20 Glute Bridge5 Band resisted broad jumpsRest as needed
Hip Full Snatch 3x3@70%, 2x2@75%
Push Press 4x3@65% (Jerk)
Clean Pulls 4x4@100% (Snatch)
Back Squat 3x5@75%
Wide Grip Eccentric Chin Ups 3x6
Aleknas 4x6