A. GENERAL (3:00)2 rounds30 Single / Double unders10 Med Ball Squats5 Med Ball Kang Squats
(Holding a med ball the same way an athlete would for wall balls)
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION ( 2:00)15-20 sec Bottom of squat hold / Assisted holding rig3 Back squats, hold bottom 3-5 seconds empty bar
C. SPECIFIC (8:00)1 set every 2 minutesBack Squat Ramp up3 @ 40%3 @ 50%3 @ 60%3 @ 70%
C2. SPECIFIC (5:00)DB Shoulder to overhead4/4 @ light4/4 @ Moderate weight4/4 @ Workout weight---Wall Balls5 Wall Balls---Practice Round15 Double unders / Single unders5 Wall Balls1/1 DB Shoulder to overhead
Score: WeightTC: 15 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner5 x 3 @ light to moderate
Intermediate As written
4 rounds for time42 Double Unders21 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs6/6 DB Shoulder to overhead @ 70/50lbs
Score: TimeTC: 12 minutesKG: 9/6, 32/22.5
Scaling OptionsBeginner42 Single unders15 Wall Balls @ 14/10 lbs6/6 DB S2O@ 25/15lbs
Intermediate24-42 Double Unders 21 Wallballs @ 16/12 lbs6/6 DB S2O @ 50/35lbs
3-5 sets12/12 Fire Hydrants12/12 Unilateral Quadruped hip extension12 Glute bridge + Adduction