A. GENERAL (5:00)Amrap 55 Burpees10 Ground to overhead w/ plate5 Beat swings
1:00/side Hip to Lat stretch
C. SPECIFIC (5:00)3 Burpees in line with vertical post3 Burpees touching pull up bar / rings3 Burpee pull ups
Go over setup details to keep reps consistent
C2. SPECIFIC POST METCON (2:00)2 sets20 sec easy machine10 sec hard machine2 Box jumps, increasing height
For Time100 Burpee pull ups
Score: TimeTC: 15 minutesKG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner70 Burpee Jumping Pull up
Intermediate L1100 Burpee Jumping pull up
Intermediate L250 Burpee Pull ups
3 sets30 sec Cal machine, Max effort Rest 30 sec6 High box jumps + Step downs
Rest 2:00
Score: CheckmarkTC: 10 minutes
Scaling OptionsBeginner15 sec Cal machine, Max effort Rest 30 sec6 Seated vertical jumps
IntermediateAs written
3-5 sets7 DB Romanian Deadlift @ Heavy7 Feet elevated Ring rows, pronated grip
Posterior chain strength