A. GENERAL (10-15 min)1. General 1200m jog30 jumping jacks20 air squats10 Alternating forward lunges
2. General 2: ‘Dumbbell Relay Race’Split the class into 2 equal groups. If you have an uneven number, the coach gets to jump in.
For this game, we’ll have a start line and a finish line, about 30 ft apart, or whatever length you have. Each athlete grabs a light (10-20lb) DB and heads to the start line. Each team will line up behind the line, ready to sprint.
At 3..2..1..go, athletes race to the finish line, setting their DB down vertically, then race back to the start line and tag in the next teammate. First team to place all their DBs behind the start line standing vertically wins. If a DB falls over, the next athlete in line has to fix it and place their own DB.
You can play multiple “matches” up to 10 minutes total
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (3 min)3 sets30 sec machine5/5 Box step downs, facing box: https://youtu.be/XeLXTs9qPsU10 Heel elevated glute bridge: https://youtu.be/F69icuG6SEc
C. SPECIFIC (6: min)10 unweighted step ups6 alternating weighted step ups @ workout weight---6/6 Single DB deadlifts6 Alternating DB snatch---3/3 DB burpee deadlift6 Alternating DB devil press
EMOM 10Odd- 30 sec Cal machine RPE 8/10Even- 30 sec DB step ups @ 50/35 lbs x 1
Rest 2 minutes
EMOM 10Odd- 30 sec Cal MachineEven- 30 sec DB snatch @ 50/35 lbs x 1
EMOM 10Odd- 30 sec Cal machineEven- 30 sec Alternating Devil press @ 50/35 lbs x 1
TC: 40 minutesScore: Weight on DBKG: 25/15
Scaling OptionsBeginner- Unweighted step ups- DB @ 25/15 lbs- Plate Devil press @ 15/10lbs
IntermediateDB @ 35/20lbs
Bird dog3 x 10/sideRest 60 seconds between sets
Hold every rep for 6 seconds