- Build to a 3-rep-max step-back lunge on each leg with the bar in the back rack.- Begin each set with your weaker leg and use the same loading for your dominant side. DO NOT go heavier on one side if one is stronger than the other.- For Accessory - I, scale to a load that allows you to complete each arm (6 reps) unbroken with a short rest before using the other arm. Aim to complete each set in :40 or less.
3 sets:1:00 row1:00 ski1 set:10 wide stance air squats10 narrow stance air squats10 air squats10 step-back lunges3-5 sets:5 step-back lunges- Build in load to your first working set.
6 sets for load:3 back-rack step-back lunges/leg- Rest 3:00 between sets.
EMOM 5:3 left-arm DB power snatches (50/70 lb)3 left-arm single-arm DB thrusters3 right-arm DB power snatches3 right-arm single-arm DB thrusters- Complete all movements each minute.