- Build to a 2-rep-max push jerk.- Both reps must be unbroken, but unlike in previous weeks, you are not required to pause at any point.- For Accessory - I, attempt to hang from the bar for a full :30 and use a KB loading that can be held for :30 without resting.
2 sets:10 PVC pass throughs10 band pull-aparts10 shoulder presses5 seated box jumps- Increase the height of the box each round.1 set:10 slow scap pull-ups10 kip swings10 kipsEMOM 8:2 push jerks- Build in load, but keep weights below 95/135 lbs.3-5 sets:2 push jerks- Build in load to your first working set.
On a 20:00 clock:Build to a 2-rep-max push jerk
5 sets::30 strict knees-to-elbows- Rest :15.:30 double-KB shoulder presses (26/35 lb)- Rest :15.