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Back Squat
CrossFit Evergreen
Fund Raisers
Personal Defense Readiness
Friday - CrossFit Evergreen
6:00 AM CrossFit
8:15 AM CrossFit
9:30 AM CrossFit
12:15 PM CrossFit
3:30 PM CrossFit
4:30 PM CrossFit
5:30 PM CrossFit
Age Group
All Ages
0 - 17
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
Count (M/F):
1 (1/0)
Home WOD
Choose one version and finish with Body Armor
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
10 Strict Toes to Bar
20 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches
60 Double-Unders
-Using a single dumbbell in this longer AMRAP workout
-Pick a weight that you can complete the snatches with 1 break MAX each round
-For the strict toes to bar choose a number and height for feet that allows you to stay as strict as possible
-Aim to complete the double unders in 1-2 sets
-FInd a moderate pace through the whole workout that allows you to attack the strict toes to bar with precise quality
-Let's use a break-up strategy on the strict toes to bar that maintains technical movement patterns throughout this 18 minute workout
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
10 Toe Raises
20 Odd-Object Ground-to-Overhead
60 Double-Unders
Double Unders:
-60 Dot Hops (each foot tap counts as a rep) Video (
Toes Raises Video (
-This workout is all about finding a consistent break-up strategy to carry you through the 18 minutes of work
-Taking short calculated breaks can sometimes allow you to move faster then bigger sets with longer break
-Set up a weight that you can complete the ground to overhead with 1 break MAX each round
-Aim to complete the double unders in 1-2 sets
Body Armor
Metcon (No Measure)
5 Giant Sets:
5 Jump Squats
10 Lemon Squeezes
:15s Hollow Rocks
Rest 1:00 between
Not for score, but for quality movement.
Movement Demo - Video (
Jump Squats
-A full depth squat, jumping as high as possible upon extension
-Reset feet between (don't go right into the next rep)
Lemon Squeezes
-Hollow position, to a balled tuck with hands to shins
-Modify by not extending all the way out to a hollow position
-Move fluidly through these without a pause
Hollow Rocks
-Find Hollow position first, followed by gentle rocking back and forth
-Focus on as minimal contact with the ground throughout (push lower back into floor)
-Extension of arms and knees comes second to hollowing at the hips
-Every full rock (legs down, then up), counts as one rep
If you have the equipment
Back Squat
Back Squat
Box Squats
On the Minute x 10:
2 Box Squats
All sets at 50% of 1RM Back Squat
Box height just below parallel
-Set box height just below parallel
-All sets completed at 50% of our 1RM Back Squat
-Weight is not the focus point… speed is
-After sitting back to a vertical shin position, explode off the box
-Accelerate out of the bottom as aggressively as we can
Box Squats
-The box squat is designed to utilize more glutes, hamstring, and back than the traditional back squats
-We'll break this movement down into 4 parts: Stance, Down, Sitting, and Up
-For the stance, we want to take a wider stance than usual to help pin point the posterior chain more
-On the way down, think about sitting back slowly so the shins are vertical instead of dropping straight down
-We want to briefly pause in a sitting position to take away the stretch reflex of the movement instead of just bouncing off the box
-The goal is to be explosive as possible on the way up to our standing position
DT (Time)
5 Rounds for time:
12 Deadlifts, 155# / 105#
9 Hang Power Cleans, 155# / 105#
6 Push Jerks, 155# / 105#
In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on February, 20 2009
To learn more about DT
click here
-"DT" is a Hero Workout that was last completed on CompTrain on 1.7.19
-This barbell cycling focused workout should take around 5-10 minutes to complete
-We'll choose our barbell weight based off the Hang Power Cleans and/or Push Jerks
-This should be a moderate load that allows you to complete the Hang Power Cleans within 3 sets and Push Jerks unbroken during the workout
-With one barbell and three movements, we want to point out a few places to break for maximum efficiency
-The first time is after the 11th deadlift
-You can utilize a mixed grip for 11 deadlifts to save the forearms before dropping and assuming the hook grip, which will be more beneficial for the hang power cleans
-You can then complete the 12th deadlift with the hook grip and immediately transition into the hang power cleans
-The second place to break is after the 8th hang power clean
-After this short break, complete the 9th hang power clean before holding on for all 6 push jerks unbroken
-In order to preserve pulling capacity, breaking the hang power cleans into consistent sets from the beginning will be a wise choice
-This should be something that you feel you can maintain for all 5 rounds
-Whether it is 4-4-1 or 8-1, all we are looking for is consistency
-This workout is largely hang power cleans, so managing these properly sets you up for overall success
-Before getting to the hang power cleans, we’ll tackle the deadlifts
-Although the easier movement, you can set yourself up for good hang power cleans and catch your breath by breaking these up a few times
-11-1, 6-5-1, and 4-4-3-1 are options
-As to avoid doing any extra hang power cleans, we can aim to complete the push jerks unbroken
-Taking the extra rest before the last hang power clean into the first push jerk in order to complete those unbroken is encouraged
Want to see some of these movements in action? Check out our
video library
Friday, April 10, 2020
Male Clients
9:30 AM CrossFit
4 + 8
120 singles/round
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