3 sets with a partner:1:00 bike, row, or ski1:00 inchworm + push-ups- One starts on the bike, row, or ski, and the other on the inchworm + push-ups then switch.3 sets:10 band pull-aparts10 banded good mornings10 ring rows:30 hollow hold- Rest :10 between movements.
- RX - EMOM 12:Min. 1 | 2 rope climbs (15/15 ft)Min. 2 | :30 bike, row, or ski
- INTERMEDIATE -EMOM 12:Min. 1 | 2 rope climb (12/12 ft)Min. 2 | :30 bike, row, or ski
- BEGINNER -EMOM 12:Min. 1 | 2 pull-to-standsMin. 2 | :30 bike, row, or ski
- MASTERS 55+ -EMOM 12:Min. 1 | 2 rope climbs (12/12 ft)Min. 2 | :30 bike, row, or ski
Post-workout benchmarkFor calories:1:00 bike
Accumulate:2:00 saddle stretch1:00 double-forearm stretch1:00 seated straddle stretch
EMOM 12:Min. 1 | :20 hollow hold + 2 wall walksMin. 2 | :30 shuttle run- Shuttle run is 25 ft down and back. BenchmarkFor reps:1:00 single-DB goblet walking lunges (35/50 lb)