0:00-15:00Warm-up20:00-35:00Workout 1: 25031845:00-65:00Workout 2: Strength III75:00-90:00Workout 3: Midline95:00-105:00Stretching
Focus- Macro: Gas Pedal- Expect to see more efforts that challenge your ability to keep the gas pedal down. These will be high-power, short-duration efforts.- We will also test a 1:00 max-calorie bike, Fran, and Nancy.
4 sets::40 easy row:20 hard row1 set::30 scorpion stretches/side:30 elbow-to-instep/leg:30 hamstring stretch/leg10 squat-to-stands1 set:10 deadlifts5 tall power cleans5 hang power cleans- Use an empty barbell.3-4 sets:5-calorie row4 deadlifts3 hang power cleans- Rest 1:00 between sets.
- Use the first 5 sets to elevate your heart rate and move through full range of motion.- Use the next set to dial in your technique.- In the final 3-4 sets, build in load to find your starting workout weight.
5 rounds for time of:15/18-calorie row12 deadlifts (105/155 lb)9 hang power cleans
Stimulus & Goals- 8:00-15:00; most athletes in 10:00-13:00.$$ Row efforts in :50-1:20.- Row efforts in :50-1:20.- Deadlifts in :15-:30 and 1-2 sets.- Hang power cleans in :20-1:00 and 1-2 sets.- Similar to the Hero workout DT, but without the push jerk and with the addition of increased movement redundancy from the row.- High movement redundancy and the likelihood of local muscular fatigue in the glutes, back, and grip.Strategy- Challenge yourself to get off the rower and get right to the deadlifts. The loading for this movement is relatively light and you should be able to begin knocking out reps.- As you begin to fatigue, break the movements up strategically. For example, perform 11 deadlifts with a mixed grip (save the grip) and then take a break. After a few breaths, pick the bar up (with a clean grip) for the final deadlift to then move right into the set of hang power cleans.ModificationsRow | Calories, bike or ski same calories, 200-m runDeadlifts | Load, sumo deadlifts, dumbbell or kettlebell deadliftsHang power cleans | Load, dumbbell hang power cleans
5 sets for load:10 close-grip bench presses
- Rest as needed and build to your heaviest set of 10.- Use a spotter for this session if possible. If you are alone, be sure to not push to failure and be smart about the load you choose.
For completion:30-20-10GHD sit-upsSeconds of single-arm plank hold on rings, rightSeconds of single-arm plank hold on rings, leftBanded side steps, rightBanded side steps, left
Stimulus & Goals- Unbroken GHD sit-ups.- Single-arm ring plank hold efforts in no more than 2 sets each.Strategy- During the GHD sit-ups, focus on squeezing your thighs and driving your heels into the platform on the way up. Your knees should be bent as you go down and aggressively extend your knees as you come up.- Widen your feet as needed to create a better support system during the plank holds.- Press into the ring and try to keep it directly under the arm/shoulder that is performing the plank hold.ModificationsGHD sit-ups | GHD sit-ups to parallel, AbMat sit-upsSingle-arm plank hold | Single-arm from the knees, two-handed plank hold on rings
1 set:1:00 standing pike stretch (legs narrow)1:00 standing pike stretch (legs wide)1:00 double-forearm stretch