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CrossFit Evergreen
Fund Raisers
Personal Defense Readiness
03/18/2021 - CrossFit Evergreen
6:00 AM CrossFit
7:15 AM CrossFit
8:30 AM Crossfit
9:30 AM CrossFit
12:15 PM CrossFit
3:00 PM CrossFit
4:00PM CrossFit
5:00 PM CrossFit
6:00 PM CrossFit
Age Group
All Ages
0 - 17
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
Count (M/F):
0 (0/0)
"Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out." - John Wooden This isn't about optimism. This is about opportunity. Urban Meyer coined the equation "Event + Response = Outcome." A simple three-word phrase that speaks to the power of choice. When an event take place, we will have a moment in time where we will make a mental choice. To soak in the pity of loss, or to take action in the moment of opportunity. The event does not change; but the outcome, based on our response, dramatically can. We are always in control. We just need to take it.
See Coaches Board
OPEN 21.2 "PRE-GAME" (No Measure)
At 50% intensity (warm-up pace):
Part A:
3:00-5:00 Light Monostructural (Bike, Row, Ski, or Run)
Part B:
3 Rounds:
5 Strict Toes to Bar
10 Russian KB Swings
20 Air Squats
Part C:
3 Rounds:
30 Forward, in place, lunges (15 each leg)
15 AbMat Sit-Ups
Part D:
1 Round:
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Strict Presses
5 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
1 Round:
5 Muscle Snatches
5 Behind the Neck Push Presses
5 Overhead Squats
5 Snatch Balances
5 High Hang Squat Snatches
Part E:
3:00-5:00 Light Monostructural (Bike, Row, Ski, or Run)
This is an optional primer for tomorrows OPEN WOD
"Warm-Up Like" intensity, passing through common range of motion that will help us move better tomorrow.
Goal: leave the gym better than when you walked in. That means we must control intesity, and choose an appropriate amont of volume in the rounds above.
Part D is at empty Barbell or very light weight!!
Want to see some of these movements in action? Check out our
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Thursday, March 18, 2021
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