1 round:200-meter jog, slow10 alternating Spiderman stretch + reaches10 alternating Samson lunges:30 change in support drill:30 falling forward drill:30 position drill200-meter run, faster1 round:5 push-ups to downward dog:20 static pull-up bar hang5 inchworms10 scap pull-ups10 steps bear crawl10 kip swings
- RX -4 rounds for time with a partner:30 toes-to-bars400-m run- Share the toes-to-bars and run together.
- INTERMEDIATE -4 rounds for time with a partner:20 toes-to-bars400-m run- Share the toes-to-bar and run together.
- BEGINNER -4 rounds for time with a partner:10 hanging leg raises200-m run- Share the leg raises and run together.
- MASTERS 55+ -Same as Rx'd
Post-workoutOn a 10:00 clock:3 sets of max-distance handstand walkOREMOM 10: 10-20 alternating shoulder taps in a handstand hold or plank hold
Accumulate:1:00 foam roll quads1:00 foam roll upper back1:00 foam roll calves
4 rounds for time with a partner:30 V-ups400-m run- Share the V-ups and run together.