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Crossfit Games Open 2 ...
Crossfit Games Open 2 ...
Crossfit Games Open 2 ...
Crossfit Games Open 2 ...
Crossfit Games Open 2 ...
Crossfit Games Open 2 ...
Crossfit Games Open 2 ...
Crossfit Games Open 2 ...
Crossfit Games Open 2 ...
Crossfit Games Open 2 ...
Crossfit Games Open 2 ...
CrossFit Evergreen
Fund Raisers
Personal Defense Readiness
3/12/2021 - CrossFit Evergreen
6:00 AM CrossFit
7:15 AM CrossFit
8:30 AM Crossfit
9:30 AM CrossFit
12:15 PM CrossFit
3:00 PM CrossFit
4:00PM CrossFit
5:00 PM CrossFit
6:00 PM CrossFit
Age Group
All Ages
0 - 17
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
Count (M/F):
8 (4/4)
1st 2021 Open workout and it's variations
2: Crossfit Games Open 21.1 RX (Ages 16-54) (Time)
For Time:
1 wall walk
10 double-unders
3 wall walks
30 double-unders
6 wall walks
60 double-unders
9 wall walks
90 double-unders
15 wall walks
150 double-unders
21 wall walks
210 double-unders
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 RX (Ages 16-54)
click here
21.: Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Scaled (Ages 16-54) (Time)
For time:
1 scaled wall walk
10 single-unders
3 scaled wall walks
30 single-unders
6 scaled wall walks
60 single-unders
9 scaled wall walks
90 single-unders
15 scaled wall walks
150 single-unders
21 scaled wall walks
210 single-unders
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Scaled (Ages 16-54)
click here
Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Masters RX (Ages 55+) (Time)
For time:
1 wall walk
10 double-unders
3 wall walks
30 double-unders
6 wall walks
60 double-unders
9 wall walks
90 double-unders
15 wall walks
150 double-unders
21 wall walks
210 double-unders
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Masters RX (Ages 55+)
click here
Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Teens RX (Ages 14-15) (Time)
For time:
1 wall walk
10 double-unders
3 wall walks
30 double-unders
6 wall walks
60 double-unders
9 wall walks
90 double-unders
15 wall walks
150 double-unders
21 wall walks
210 double-unders
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Teens RX (Ages 14-15)
click here
Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Foundations (Ages 16-54) (Time)
For time:
1 bear crawl
10 jumping jacks
3 bear crawls
30 jumping jacks
6 bear crawls
60 jumping jacks
9 bear crawls
90 jumping jacks
15 bear crawls
150 jumping jacks
21 bear crawls
210 jumping jacks
The bear crawl can be modified by placing the hands on an elevated surface and simulating the walking motion by bringing the knees to the chest.
The jumping jacks can be modified to a “stepping jack” if needed.
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Foundations (Ages 16-54)
click here
Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Masters Scaled (Ages 55+) (Time)
For time:
1 scaled wall walk
10 single-unders
3 scaled wall walks
30 single-unders
6 scaled wall walks
60 single-unders
9 scaled wall walks
90 single-unders
15 scaled wall walks
150 single-unders
21 scaled wall walks
210 single-unders
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Masters Scaled (Ages 55+)
click here
Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Teens Scaled (Ages 14-15) (Time)
For time:
1 scaled wall walk
10 single-unders
3 scaled wall walks
30 single-unders
6 scaled wall walks
60 single-unders
9 scaled wall walks
90 single-unders
15 scaled wall walks
150 single-unders
21 scaled wall walks
210 single-unders
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Teens Scaled (Ages 14-15)
click here
Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Equipment Free (Ages 16-54) (Time)
For time:
1 wall walk
10 lateral jumps
3 wall walks
30 lateral jumps
6 wall walks
60 lateral jumps
9 wall walks
90 lateral jumps
15 wall walks
150 lateral jumps
21 wall walks
210 lateral jumps
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Equipment Free (Ages 16-54)
click here
21.1: Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Masters Foundations (Ages 55+) (Time)
For time:
1 bear crawl
10 jumping jacks
3 bear crawls
30 jumping jacks
6 bear crawls
60 jumping jacks
9 bear crawls
90 jumping jacks
15 bear crawls
150 jumping jacks
21 bear crawls
210 jumping jacks
The bear crawl can be modified by placing the hands on an elevated surface and simulating the walking motion by bringing the knees to the chest.
The jumping jacks can be modified to a “stepping jack” if needed.
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Masters Foundations (Ages 55+)
click here
Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Teens Foundations (Ages 14-15) (Time)
For time:
1 bear crawl
10 jumping jacks
3 bear crawls
30 jumping jacks
6 bear crawls
60 jumping jacks
9 bear crawls
90 jumping jacks
15 bear crawls
150 jumping jacks
21 bear crawls
210 jumping jacks
The bear crawl can be modified by placing the hands on an elevated surface and simulating the walking motion by bringing the knees to the chest.
The jumping jacks can be modified to a “stepping jack” if needed.
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Teens Foundations (Ages 14-15)
click here
Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Masters Equipment Free (Ages 55+) (Time)
For time:
1 wall walk
10 lateral jumps
3 wall walks
30 lateral jumps
6 wall walks
60 lateral jumps
9 wall walks
90 lateral jumps
15 wall walks
150 lateral jumps
21 wall walks
210 lateral jumps
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Masters Equipment Free (Ages 55+)
click here
Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Teens Equipment Free (Ages 14-15) (Time)
For time:
1 wall walk
10 lateral jumps
3 wall walks
30 lateral jumps
6 wall walks
60 lateral jumps
9 wall walks
90 lateral jumps
15 wall walks
150 lateral jumps
21 wall walks
210 lateral jumps
Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 Teens Equipment Free (Ages 14-15)
click here
Want to see some of these movements in action? Check out our
video library
Friday, March 12, 2021
Male Clients
6:00 PM CrossFit
11:32 du time 234 reps
9:30 AM CrossFit
6:00 AM CrossFit
6:00 AM CrossFit
Female Clients
4:00PM CrossFit
10:10 last du's 224 reps
8:30 AM Crossfit
7:15 AM CrossFit
12:40 du 214 reps
4:00PM CrossFit
9:32 du's 126 reps
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