2 sets:1:00 bike5 inchworm to push-ups10 PVC shoulder presses10 PVC good mornings
- RX -On a 16:00 clock:0:00-10:00:Min 1: bikeMin 2: rest10:00-16:00:Build to a heavy 3-rep shoulder-to-overhead
- INTERMEDIATE -Same as Rx'd
- BEGINNER -On a 16:00 clock:0:00-10:00:Min 1: bikeMin 2: rest10:00-16:00:Shoulder-to-overhead5-5-5-5-5
- MASTERS 55+ -Same as Rx'd
Build to a heavy 3-rep shoulder-to-overhead
Post-workoutOn a 5:00 clock:Accumulate as much time as possible in an L-sit.
1 set:1:00 child's pose stretch1:00 lacrosse-ball shoulder mash/side
On a 16:00 clock:0:00-10:00:Min 1: burpees to a 12-in targetMin 2: rest10:00-16:00:Every 2:00 for 3 rounds:1 set:3 DB shoulder presses (35/50 lb)5 DB push presses7 DB push jerks- Perform each set unbroken.- Use two dumbbells.
- Welcome to week four of the second 2025 Strength 1 lifting cycle where we'll continue following the same wave-loading template as our previous cycle. Next week will be a deload week and then in week six, we will test our 1-rep snatch.- For the percentages, use a recent max or heavy single.- If the percentage calls for more than a single rep, they are meant to be completed as unbroken (touch-and-go) reps.- Rest as needed between percentages and waves.
- Welcome to week four of the second 2025 Strength 2 lifting cycle where we continue to build strength in the back squat.- Use the same load for sets 4 and 5, but go for more than 2 reps in that final set without pushing to failure. - Rest as needed between sets.
4 sets for load:100-meter dumbbell farmers carry1:00 sandbag bear hug hold
- Relatively heavy grunt work.- Increase loading of both the dumbbells and the sandbag across as many sets as possible.- Complete both movements in 2 sets or less.- Rest 10-20 seconds between movements and then as needed between sets.- Build to a challenging load that still allows for quality movements for both the carry and the hold.- Farmers carry modifications: Load, dumbbell box step-ups- Sandbag hold modifications: Load, dumbbell or kettlebell front-rack hold
3 sets::20 single-arm ring plank hold, right:20 single-arm ring plank hold, left:20 L-sit hold10 strict toes-to-bars
- For the ring plank holds, lower a single ring down to a few inches off the ground. To decrease the difficulty, maintain the rigid body position, but walk your feet forward (making your body more upright as opposed to horizontal).- To reduce the difficulty of the L-sit, extend a single leg or tuck your knees toward your chest.- To scale the strict toes-to-bars try to bring your toes or knees up as high as possible.
4 sets for time:800-meter run- Rest 3:00 between sets.
- 24:00-30:00 (including rest).- Finish each 800-meter run in less than 5 minutes.- Perform each run at a semi-sustainable pace (around 80-90% effort) rather than an all-out effort to allow you to recover enough to finish each set in a similar time.- Perform this workout with friends for more push and drive to move faster. If you don't have someone to complete the workout with, wear a watch and set goals for each interval.- Run modifications: 1,600/2,000-m C2 bike, 800/1,000-m row