0:00-15:00Warm-up20:00-40:00Workout 1: 25030850:00-70:00Workout 2: Strength II80:00-95:00Workout 3: Accessory - I100:00-110:00Stretching
Focus- Macro: Gas Pedal- Expect to see more efforts that challenge your ability to keep the gas pedal down. These will be high-power, short-duration efforts.- We will also test a 1:00 max-calorie bike, Fran, and Nancy.
2 sets:1:00 row, bike, ski, or jog8 inchworm push-ups 12 alternating single-arm dumbbell deadlifts16 air squats 2 sets: 5 burpees10 alternating dumbbell snatches50-meter double-dumbbell farmers carry1:00 row, bike, ski, or jog- Rest 1:00 between sets.
- Use the first 2 sets to get your hips and shoulders mobile. Take your time during each movement and focus on increasing your range of motion during each rep. - Start the cardio movement at a light pace, and pick it up throughout the warm-up.
AMRAP 20:30 burpees20 alternating dumbbell snatches (35/50 lb)100-meter double-dumbbell farmers carry (35/50 lb)
Stimulus & Goals- 3-5 rounds for most athletes.- Burpees in 1:45-3:00.- Snatches in :40-1:00.- Farmers carry 1:00-2:00.Strategy- Expect this effort to be a grind, especially because each round starts with lots of burpees. Focus on completing one rep at a time and avoid coming out too hot.- Adjust your pace on this workout based on how you're feeling after yesterday's Open workout effort.ModificationsBurpees | Reps, up-downs, burpees to an elevated surfaceAlternating dumbbell snatches | Load, reps, dumbbell hang snatches, single-arm dumbbell shoulder-to-overheadsDouble-dumbbell carry | Load, distance
- Welcome to week three of the second 2025 Strength 2 lifting cycle where we continue to build strength in the back squat.- Use the same load for sets 4 and 5, but go for more than 3 reps in that final set without pushing to failure. - Rest as needed between sets.
4 sets:Handstand walk (100 ft)1:00 flutter kicks- Rest 2:00 between sets.
- Set up a 100-ft course and walk as far as possible without breaking.- Challenge yourself to keep moving on the flutter kicks for the entire minute. - If you are unable to walk on your hands or you know you will struggle with the volume, reduce the distance of the walk, give yourself 1 minute to walk as far as you can, or scale to 50 alternating shoulder taps.
1 set::45 foam roll quadricep/leg:45 foam roll glute-med/side