0:00-20:00Warm-up25:00-40:00Workout 1: Open 25.255:00-85:00Workout 2: Conditioning90:00-100:00Stretching
Focus- Macro: Gas Pedal- Expect to see more efforts that challenge your ability to keep the gas pedal down. These will be high-power, short-duration efforts.- We will also test a 1:00 max-calorie bike, Fran, and Nancy.
2-3 sets::20 single unders5 leg swings per side10 alternating overhead lunges2-3 sets::20 double-unders or attempts5 scap pull-ups or 5 ring rows10 shoulder presses (PVC pipe)10 front squats10 kip swings1 set:12 front squats (empty barbell)5 kipping pull-ups10 push presses5 chest-to-bar pull-ups8 thrusters1 climbing pull-up drill6 thrusters2:00 bar muscle-up practice4 thrusters1 set:25 double-unders5 pull-ups5 thrusters (65/95 lb)4 chest-to-bar pull-ups4 thrusters (75/115 lb)3 bar muscle-ups3 thrusters (85/135 lb)
- Initially, focus on moving the body through a full range of motion and elevating the heart rate. You do not want to go into the workout without having broken a sweat.- Work on dialing in the movements you are performing in the Open workout. If you are scaling the pull-ups, jump rope, or loading of the thrusters, adjust accordingly.
For time:
21 pull-ups
42 double-unders
21 thrusters (weight 1)
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
36 double-unders
18 thrusters (weight 2)
15 bar muscle-ups
30 double-unders
15 thrusters (weight 3)
Time cap: 12 minutes*
F: 65 lb (29kg), then 75 lb (34kg), then 85 lb (38kg)
M: 95 lb (43kg), then 115 lb (52kg), then 135 lb (61kg)
*Rep count should be recorded in the comment box
Stimulus & Goals- Retest of Open Workout 22.3.- Expect top times for this workout to be under 8:00. This is based on the top scores in 2022. With the fastest time being 4:07.- Most athletes who typically do workouts as prescribed should aim to reach the muscle-ups or complete the workout under the 12:00 cap.- Athletes who are working to develop the skills found in the workout can approach this effort as an AMRAP, with a goal to get as many double-unders, chest-to-bar pull-ups, or bar muscle-ups before time expires.
Strategy- For most athletes who have consistent pull-ups and double-unders, the first section of the workout is a trap, meaning that it is simply here to get you to come out of the gate hot. However, you have to be smart. For most, blazing through the first set will set you up poorly for the rest of the workout. Only consider burning the first set down if you can perform 21 chin-over-bar pull-ups unbroken and still be relatively unfazed. Most athletes should consider chipping away at the first set in a manageable manner. This means breaking the pull-ups into 2-4 sets, staying smooth on the double-unders, and breaking the thrusters into 2-3 sets.- The second and third sets are where the bulk of the work is. If chest-to-bar pull-ups are hard for you and you know the heavier bar is going to be a struggle, break up the reps in the second set to ensure we get the best chance of finishing that section. Consider fast singles on the chest-to-bar pull-ups and 2-3 reps at a time on the thrusters.- If your goal is to make it to the third section and get as many bar muscle-ups as possible, consider 3 sets of descending reps on the 75/115 lb thruster and chest-to-bar pull-ups. For example, 7-6-5 reps.- If you are hopeful to finish this workout, disregard the talk about not burning down the first section. Instead, you need to move through this section by performing 1-2 sets on the pull-ups, unbroken double-unders, and 1-2 sets on the thrusters. This should take no longer than 2:00. This will give you about 10:00 to get through the next two sections.
ModificationsPull-ups | Reps, jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups, ring rowsDouble-unders | 1:00 of double-unders, single-undersThrusters | Load, front squats, push presses, DB thrustersChest-to-bar pull-ups | Reps, chin-over-bar pull-ups, jumping chest-to-bar pull-upsBar muscle-ups | Reps, chin-over-bar pull-ups, jumping muscle-ups
5 sets for total time:400-meter run350/400-meter row- Rest 2:00 between sets.
- Complete each set in under 4:30 total (not including rest).- Reduce the distance of the run to 300 meters and the row to 250/300 meters to maintain proper pacing.- Start at a moderate pace and gradually increase speed to finish the fifth and final set faster than the 4 previous ones.
Accumulate:1:00 foam roll quads1:00 foam roll upper back1:00 foam roll lats