Every 3:00 for 3 sets::20 mountain climbers:10 rest:20 plate ground-to-overheads:10 rest:20 plate hop-overs (directly onto or over):10 rest:20 ring rows- Rest the remainder of each interval.1 set:10 lying hip crossovers10 alternating scorpion stretches10 alternating Spiderman twists
- RX -AMRAP 8:8 box jumps (20/24 in)4 C2B Pullups
- INTERMEDIATE -AMRAP 8:8 box jumps (20/24 in)4 Pullups
- BEGINNER -AMRAP 8:8 box jumps (12/12 in)8 Ring Rows
- MASTERS 55+ -AMRAP 8:8 box jumps (20/20 in)4 C2B Pullups- Step down from the box.
EMOM 8:Min 1 | :30 strict toes-to-barsMin 2 | :30 ring support hold
- Scale toes-to-bar range of motion or substitute V-ups as needed. - Reduce ring support hold duration as needed to complete each effort in 2 sets or less. Consider lowering the rings to allow you to touch the ground for added support.
1 set:1:00 elevated pigeon pose/side (on box if needed):30 forearm stretch on wall/side
AMRAP 8:8 broad jumps (4/5 ft)10 alternating DB renegade rows (35/50 lb)- Use two DBs.
Post-workout3 sets::30 V-ups1:00 rest
- Welcome to week three of the second 2025 Strength 2 lifting cycle where we continue to build strength in the back squat.- Use the same load for sets 4 and 5, but go for more than 3 reps in that final set without pushing to failure. - Rest as needed between sets.