0:00-15:00Warm-up20:00-30:00Workout 1: 25030540:00-55:00Workout 2: 25030665:00-80:00Workout 3: Accessory - I85:00-95:00Stretching
Focus- Macro: Gas Pedal- Expect to see more efforts that challenge your ability to keep the gas pedal down. These will be high-power, short-duration efforts.- We will also test a 1:00 max-calorie bike, Fran, and Nancy.
2 sets: 5 scap pull-ups10 kip swings10 air squats30 jumping jacks2 sets: 10 reverse lunges2-5 strict pull-ups30 skier jacks1 set: 8 box step-ups4 pull-to-stands20 mountain climbers1 set: 8 box jumps1 rope climb10 up-downs
- Use this progressive warm-up to gradually build to the full movements in the workout. - If you reach a movement you cannot perform, return to the movement in the previous set.
AMRAP 8:8 box jumps (20/24 in)1 rope climb (15/15 ft)
Stimulus & Goals- 6-12 rounds for most; closer to 14 for advanced athletes.- Box jumps in :20-:40.- Rope climb in under :40 including rest and transitions.- Complimentary movements, low-volume rep schemes, and a short time domain to maximize intensity.Strategy- If you are hitting the Open workout on Friday, use this session as a way to get the body moving and blood flowing. Focus on smooth transitions and correct movement patterns. - If you are not performing the Open workout, treat this session as a normal day.ModificationsBox jumps | Box height, step-upsRope climbs | Height, pull-to-stands, ring rows
For load:EMOM 12:3 power cleans2 hang power cleans1 push jerk- Build in load.
Stimulus & Goals- Heavy Olympic lifting complex. - Build in load across each minute. - Jerk will likely be the limiting factor. - All 6 reps unbroken.Strategy- If you are hitting the Open workout on Friday, use this session as a way to practice your lifts, planning 75-80% of your recent 1-rep-max. - If you are not performing the Open workout, treat this session as a normal day.ModificationsPower clean | Load, hang power clean, dumbbell optionsHang power clean | Load, dumbbell optionsPush jerk | Load, push press, dumbbell options
EMOM 12:Min. 1 | 15 GHD sit-upsMin. 2 | 15 GHD hip extensions
- If you are not familiar with or have not been training consistently with the GHD, scale range of motion and/or reps if necessary.- If you don't have a GHD, perform weighted sit-ups (14/20 lb) and Superman arch-ups.
1 set:1:00 elevated pigeon pose/side (on box if needed):30 forearm stretch on wall/side