0:00-15:00Warm-up20:00-30:00Workout 1: 25030440:00-55:00Workout 2: Stamina I65:00-80:00Workout 3: Strength III85:00-95:00Stretching
Focus- Macro: Gas Pedal- Expect to see more efforts that challenge your ability to keep the gas pedal down. These will be high-power, short-duration efforts.- We will also test a 1:00 max-calorie bike, Fran, and Nancy.
2 set:1:30 row (easy)10 push-ups to 1 downward dog10 alternating dumbbell shoulder presses2 set::45 row (easy):45 row (moderate)10 dumbbell deadlifts10 inchworm + push-ups1 set::30 row (easy)1:00 row (hard)10 deadlifts (workout weight)2 wall walks
- Progress through the rowing and other movements at a steady pace. Rest as needed between sets.- Use light dumbbells for the shoulder presses and deadlifts.- Increase your rowing intensity and duration with each set.
For time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Deadlifts (85/115 lb)- Complete 2 wall walks after each set.
Stimulus & Goals- 10:00 or less.- Light deadlift load for unbroken sets every round.- Each set of wall walks in :30 or less. - Quick transitions back to the deadlifts. Strategy- This is a workout where it is very easy to forget to breathe because you are moving so quickly. Aim to exhale at the top of each deadlift and breathe in as you return the barbell to the ground.ModificationsDeadlifts | Load, reps, range of motionWall walks | Reps, range of motion, plank hold shoulder taps, hand-elevated plank hold shoulder taps
12 rounds for calories::30 bike:30 rest
Stimulus & Goals- 8-10+ calories per round. - Built-in rest allows you to hit the :30 of work hard every round. - Test your redline. Strategy- Expect some falloff in the final rounds, but try to keep pushing all the way through.- Test your capacity and push that redline.- Make the most of recovery time, using the 30 seconds of rest to slow your heart rate and control your breathing.ModificationsBike | Row or ski for calories
4 sets for load:1:00 kettlebell front-rack hold15 sumo stance good mornings
- Use the heaviest pair of kettlebells possible that allows for a challenging but manageable unbroken 1-minute hold.- Use an empty barbell on the first set of sumo stance good mornings; add weight as long as the reps stay unbroken and snappy.
Accumulate:2 sets::30 Samson stretch/side:30 elevated pigeon stretch/side