General warm-up:
2 rounds-
10 leg swings front to back/side to side
10 single leg RDL
10 lunge + twist
10 scap pull-ups/kip swings
10 good mornings
Specific Warm-up:
8 medball thrusters, then 5 wall ball shots
10 Russian KB swings, then 10 American KB sings
10 box step ups, then 5 box jumps
5 strict pull-ups, 5 kipping
Deadlift build up 5 mins
Buy-In: 800m Run (together)
Then, complete:
Cash-Out: 400m Run (together)
*One person working at a time
Static stretches
SPRINT Session
4 - 40m (40%)
6 - 40m (90%)
4 - 100m (40%)
6 - 100m (60%)
Ladder Runs (Full Effort) - FOR TIME
200m run
*30 sec rest
400m run
*60 sec rest
600m run
*90 sec rest
800m run
*120 sec (2min) rest