On a 7:00 clock:10 arm circles, forward10 arm circles, backward5 ring rows5 up-downs5 pike push-ups- Perform the pike push-ups from the floor or a box as desired.- Cycle through this warm-up until 7 minutes have passed.
10 kip swings // 5 kip swings + 3 kips // 3 paused pull-ups // 5 kipping pull-ups //P under the bar into a sound partial squat as your elbows come through fast.Push Jerk | 5 jump and lands, hands at sides // 5 jump and lands, hands at shoulders //5 jump, punch, and lands // Jump first, then punch the arms overhead.8 push jerks, empty bar // 8 push jerks, light load // 6 push jerks, workout weight //
- RX -AMRAP 15:3-6-9-12.. etc.Pull-ups Burpee over barPush jerks (85/115 lb)
- INTERMEDIATE -AMRAP 15:1-2-3-4... etc.Pull-ups3-6-9-12.. etc.Burpee over barPush jerks (65/95 lb)
- BEGINNER -AMRAP 15:3-6-9-12.. etc.Ring rowsBurpee over barPush jerks (35/45 lb)
- MASTERS 55+ - AMRAP 15:3-6-9-12.. etc.Pull-upsBurpee over barPush jerks (55/75 lb)
1 set:1:00 child's pose stretch1:00 lacrosse-ball shoulder mash/side
AMRAP 15:3-6-9-12.. etc.Alternating single-arm DB hang power cleans (35/50 lb)DB-facing burpeesDouble-DB push jerks (35/50 lb)- Use one DB for the cleans and two for the jerks.
5 sets:5 weighted dips10 strict handstand push-ups- Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets.
- Pinch a dumbbell or medicine ball between your legs or use a weight belt to add weight to the dips.- Perform the dips on rings or dip bars. Advanced athletes should perform their reps on rings.- Switch the movement to double-dumbbell shoulder presses if you cannot perform strict handstand push-ups. - If you are not proficient or have limited mobility with the dips, avoid adding weight; use a band for assistance if needed.