Rx+ Bike, WB 30/20 #125/95
Rx Bike, WB 20/14 #95/65
Adjust accordignly
WARM UP (each partner completes two rounds of each warmup)
*warm up barbells to workout weight/warm up Hang cleans
Rest 2 minutes
6 minutes cap
1 rep max of hang clean (Score both atheltes total)
Rx+ Bike, WB 30/20 #135/95
Workout Review
TWO 20 min AMRAPS + 3 min recovery
20 min AMRAP
600m/800m row
8 - 2DB Box Steps (20" box)
8 - Push ups
8 - 2DB Shoulder Press
3 minute recovery
800m run
100m Farmers Carry
8 - KB Russian Swings
8 - KB Deadlifts
Rx: DB 25/35, KB 14/24kg
Intermediate: 400m/600m, DB 20/30, KB 12/20kg
Beginner: 400m DB 15/25, KB 10/14kg