1 set::40 bike (slow):40 inchworms:40 reverse lunges
1 set::40 bike (moderate):40 kettlebell Romanian deadlifts:40 forward lunges
1 set::40 bike (fast):40 Russian kettlebell swings:40 walking lunges
1 set:10 kettlebell swings
Overhead lunge build up and technique
- RX -
AMRAP 7:5 overhead walking lunges (75/115 lb)7 KB swings (53/70 lb)7/9-cal air bike
AMRAP 7:5 overhead walking lunges (55/75 lb)7 KB swings (35/53 lb)7/9-cal air bike
AMRAP 7:5 PVC overhead walking lunges6 KB swings (18/26 lb)5/7-cal air bike
- MASTERS 55+ -
AMRAP 7:5 overhead walking lunges (55/75 lb)7 kettlebell swings (35/53 lb)7/9-calorie air bike
Post-workoutEMOM 8:2 heaving snatch balances
- Use a weight that you can strict press behind the neck.
1 set:1:00 child's pose stretch1:00 saddle stretch
AMRAP 7:5 double-dumbbell overhead walking lunges (35/50 lb)7 alternating single-arm kettlebell hang snatches9 up-downs to a target (12/12 in)