A. GENERAL(3:00)50' A Skip5 Plank to downward dog50' Butt Kicks10 Alternating Down top + Toe Tap50' Side Shuffle5 No Push up Burpee
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)Lat stretch on Rig 45 sec / side
C1. SPECIFIC (10:00)Wall Walk- 2-4 Pike up against Box + Walk- 2-4 Pike up Against wall, bringing feet together- 1-2 Half Wall Walk / Full Wall Walk
---Wall Facing Handstand Push ups / Push up- Pike Handstand Push up on Box / Push up on knees- Wall Facing Handstand Push ups / Handstand Push ups—Dual Dumbbell Push ups- 5 Dips & hold with two dumbbell- 5 Tempo Push Press with two dumbbells
C2. SPECIFICBurpee Pull ups- 3-5 Burpees- 3-5 Burpee Pull ups / Jumping pull ups—Practice Round2 Shuttle Runs1-2 Burpee Pull ups / Burpees
Every 2:00 x 61 Wall Walk3 Wall Facing Handstand Push ups5 Dual Dumbbell Push Press @ 50/35 lbs x 2
Score: CommentTime Cap: 12:00Kilograms: 22.5/15, Beg: Light, Int: 15/9
Scaling OptionsBeginner3 Pike Walks, Feet on Box3 Push ups / Push up on Knees5 Dual Dumbell Push Press, Light
Intermediate1 Wall Walk / On Box3 Pike Handstand Push ups5 Dual Dumbbell Push Press 35/20 lbs x 2
Fitness5-10 Inchworm Walks5-10 Push ups, Assisted as needed10 Dual Dumbell Push Press, Light
Score: RepsTime Cap: 15:00Kilograms: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner:Burpees10 Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 25 ft out/25 ft back)
Intermediate:Burpee Jumping Pull ups10 Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 25 ft out/25 ft back)
Bent Over Band Lat Pull down3 x 15 Reps, hold each rep and end range for 3 seconds
Goal: Shoulder Accessory