A. GENERAL (6:00)Amrap 65 Plate ground to overhead5 In and out squats onto plate5 Hollow body Plate pull overs
@ 10-25lbs
B. MOBILITY/ACTIVATION (2:00)PNF Hamstring Stretch with Band5 reps of 5 sec pressing down, stretching back 5 sec
C.SPECIFIC (15:00)Wall Balls- 5-10 Medicine Ball Squats- 2 x 5 Wall Balls----Dumbbell Snatch5/5 Dumbell Deadlifts (between the legs)5/5 Dumbbell Muscle snatch6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
---Clean & Jerk- 5 Muscle Cleans- 5 Shoulder Press- 5 Tall Power Cleans- 5 Tall Push Jerks- 5 Power Clean & Jerks, Pause in receiving position of the Clean---Ramp up to workout weight
Part 1. AMRAP 124-6-8-10-12-ect...Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbsAlternating Dumbbell Snatch @ 50/35 lbs
Rest 8:00
Part 2. EMOM 84 Clean and Jerks @ 185/125 lbs
Score: Total reps on Part 1Time Cap: 28:00Kilograms: 9/6, Beg: 5/4, Int: 7/5
Scaling optionsBeginnerPart 1:Wall Balls @ 10/8 lbsAlternating Dumbbell Snatch @ 25/15 lbsPart 2:4 Clean and Jerks @ 64/45 lbs
IntermediatePart 1Wall Balls @ 16/12 lbsAlternating Dumbbell Snatch @ 35/20 lbsPart 2:4 Clean and Jerks @ 155/105 lbs
3 sets15 Banded Good Mornings15/15 Standing Band hip extension
Goal: Post Chain Accessory