A. GENERAL (7:00)3 Rounds30 Single unders10 No Push up Burpee10 Inchworms10 Band Face Pulls10 Band Bent over Lat Pull down
B. MOBILITY/ACTIVATION (2:00)2 sets10/10 Calf Raises10 Lying Leg Raises10 Glute Bridge March
C1. SPECIFIC (10:00)Deadlifts- 5 Empty Bar Good Mornings- 5 Lift Offs- 5 Tempo Deadlifts- 5 Deadlifts, Light----Ramp up for workout WeightToes to Bar- 2 x 5 Beat Swings- 2 x 3 Swinging Knee Raises- 2 x 3 Swinging Leg Raises- 3 -5 Toes to Bar
Take extra time to watch and have members practice their toes to bar.
6 x AMRAP 360 Double unders20 Toes to BarMax Deadlifts @ 275/185 lbs
-Rest 1:00 Between Amraps-
TC: 23 MinutesScore: Deadlift RepsKG: 125/84, Beg: Moderate Int: 100/70
Scaling OptionsBeginner60-80 Single Unders15 Hanging Knee RaisesMax Deadlifts @ Moderate
Intermediate30-60 Double Unders (Cap 1:15)20 Swinging Leg RaisesMax Deadlifts @ 225/155 lbs
Plank Bird Dogs3 x 12-20 Reps
Goal: Transverse Core Accessory