3 sets::20 up-downs:10 rest:20 air squats:10 rest:20 PVC pass-throughs:10 rest:20 PVC overhead squats:10 rest
Snatch Progressions and build up:
Snatch deadlift shrugs
Muscle snatch
Hang power snatch
Power snatch
Squat snatch
On a 6:00 clock:
1-2 squat snatches
– Rest 1:00-1:30 between sets.
– Build in load.
6 to 10 heavy attempts
5 sets for completion:Sandbag carry (100 ft) (100/150 lb)10 heavy Russian kettlebell swings– Rest 1:00 between sets.
– This should feel like a mini workout that elevates your heart rate with relatively heavy loads that make it challenging to move quickly.– Use a sandbag load that is challenging but allows you to complete the carry without breaking.– Use a heavier-than-usual kettlebell load for the swings.– Swing the kettlebell to anywhere around shoulder height.