EMOM x 10 MINUTES (:40 ON/ :20 OFF)
MIN 1 - Cardio
MIN 2 - SA KB Swing (L)
MIN 3 - Curtsey Lunge + Step-Up
MIN 4 - SA KB Swing (R)
MIN 5 - Alt. V-Ups
MIN 1 - Cardio Choice
MIN 2 - Lateral Box Step-Overs (Athlete Choice)
MIN 3 - Strict Toes to Bar*
MIN 4 - Alt. Single Leg Box Squats
MIN 5 - DBL KB Front Rack Hold (Athlete Choice)
*Strict Knees to Chest Optional.
(No Measure)
:30 Prayer Stretch on Box
10 Alt. Wrist Push-Ups*
:30/:30 Half Pigeon Stretch on Box
*In a table top position, start with both hands in fists on the ground. Slowly unroll one hand so back of the hand is on the ground, with palms up. Roll back into a fist and switch sides.
-Rest as Needed b/t Set-