A. GENERAL (4:00)EMOM x 4:00Odd: 0:50 Jumping JacksEven: 0:50 Plate Devil's Press
B. MOBILITY/ACTIVATION (2:00)PNF Thoracic Extensions5 Reps
5 Seconds Press Down, 5-7 Seconds stretch down
C1. SPECIFIC (10:00)- 5 Shoulder Press- 5 Behind The Neck Shoulder Press/Push Press- 5 Tall Push Jerks, Focus on Elbow Position: (In push jerk position)- 5 Pause Push Jerks, Focus on Torso Angle, Pause in dip 2-3 seconds---- Ramp up for Part A
C2. SPECIFIC (6:00)Power Clean & Jerk- 5 Romanian Deadlifts- 5 Muscle Cleans- 5 Tempo Power Cleans- 5 Pause Clean and Jerk, Pause at receiving of the clean----- Ramp up to workout weight
Every 2:00 x 5Push Jerks - 5 Reps, Ascending
Score: WeightTime Cap: 10:00Kilograms: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner5 Push Jerks, Light
IntermediateAs Written
Fitness:Every 2:00 x 55 Shoulder to Overhead10 Air Squats15 Abmat Sit-ups
10 Rounds for Time10 Burpees5 Clean and Jerks @ 95/65 lbs
RX+ 135/95 lbs
Score: TimeTC: 10:00Kilograms: 43/30, Beg: 20/15, Int: 35/25
Scaling optionsBeginner5-7 Burpees3-5 Clean and Jerks @ 45/35 lbs
Intermediate10 Burpees5 Clean and Jerks @ 75/55 lbs
Every 2:00 x 625' Handstand Walk2 Wall Walks