A. GENERAL (6:00)EMOM 6Odd- 5 Burpees / Down & ups + Alternating lunges in remaining timeEven- 5 Plank to downward dog + Mountain climbers in remaining time
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)Hip to Lat Stretch on Rig5 Reps / SideC. SPECIFIC (7:00)- 5 Romanian Deadlift- 5 Muscle Clean- 5 Tempo Power Clean- 5 Shoulder Press- 5 Shoulder to Overhead—- 10 Alternating Lunges, bodyweight- 6 Overhead Lunges, Empty bar- Ramp up to workout weight
C2. SPECIFIC (5:00)Floor Press- 5 Glute Bridge Floor press, Empty bar- Ramp up to workout weight—Wall Walks2-4 Pike Up against Wall2-4 Half Wall Walks1-2 Wall Walks
E2MOM x 65 Power Cleans5 Shoulder to Overhead50' Overhead Walking Lunges
Score: WeightTime Cap: 12:00KG: NA
Scaling OptionsBeginner10 Power Cleans50' Front Rack Walking Lunges
IntermediateAs Written
For time3 rounds for time75 Sit-ups10 Glute Bridge Floor Press @ 135/95 lbs5 Wall Walks
RX+ 50' Handstand Walk
Score: TimeTime Cap: 13:00Kilograms: 60/43, Beg: 30/20, 10/7.5, Int: 52/35
Scaling Options
Beginner3 rounds for time75 Sit-ups10 Floor Press @ 65/45 lbs75' Plate Overhead Carry @ 25/15 lbs
Intermediate3 rounds for time75 Sit-ups10 Glute Bridge Floor Press @ 115/75 lbs5 Half Wall Walks
3 x 10 Toes up Romanian Deadlifts
Goal: Hamstring Accessory