A. GENERAL (6:00)Amrap 6 minutes"Coach Says"Have members jogging in circles or in shuttles. Call out reps of different movements and stretches, such as: - Air Squats- Burpees- Sit-ups / Hollow Rocks- Squat to Stand- Ballistic swings
B. MOBILITY/ACTIVATION (4:00)2 sets- 10 Alternating Deadbugs: https://youtu.be/0-xUuT5yVjM - 10 Plank / Quadruped Bird DogsC. SPECIFIC (10:00)Barbell ProgressionEmpty bar (all with clean grip)- 5 Deadlifts- 5 Deadlifts----- 5 Muscle Clean- 5 Power Clean----- 5 Hang Power Clean,- 5 Hang Power Cleans----- Ramp up to workout weightToes to Bar Progression- 5 Beat Swings- 5 Swinging Knee Raises- 5 Swinging Leg Raises- 5 Toes to Bar
C2. SPECIFIC (5:00)Take 5:00 to practice the Carries and find the correct load.
2 rounds, Each for Time21 Deadlifts @ 135/95 lbs21 Toes to Bar15 Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs15 Toes to Bar9 Hang Power Clean @ 135/95 lbs9 Toes to Bar
-Rest 2:00 Between Rounds-
Score: Each Set for TimeTime Cap: 14:00Kilograms: 60/43, Beg: 30/20, Int: 52/35
Scaling OptionsBeginner18 Deadlifts @ 65/45 lbs18 Abmat Sit-ups12 Power Cleans @ 65/45 lbs12 Abmat Sit-ups9 Hang Power Clean @ 65/45 lbs9 Abmat Sit-ups
Intermediate21 Deadlifts @ 115/75 lbs21 Swinging Leg Raises15 Power Cleans @ 115/75 lbs15 Swinging Leg Raises9 Hang Power Clean @ 115/75 lbs9 Swinging Leg Raises
12:00 AMRAP:50ft Bodyweight Walking Lunges100ft Carry200ft Shuttle Runs
-Rest 1:00 Between Rounds-
Score: CheckmarkTime Cap: 12:00Kilograms: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner25' Bodyweight Walking Lunges75' Carry 100' Shuttle Runs
Intermediate50' Bodyweight Walking Lunges100' Carry200' Shuttle Runs
3 sets10 Reverse Angels10/10 Quadruped Unilateral Hip Extensions
Goal: Posterior Chain Accessory